Rachel Reyes is a speech and language pathologist and currently the only Listening and Spoken Language Specialist certified Auditory Verbal therapist (LSLS Cert. AVT™) practicing in the Philippines. She has been helping young children with hearing loss, both locally and internationally, to listen and speak for 18 years and still counting. Many of these children have grown having proficient communication skills, doing well in mainstream schools and living active and happy lives in a hearing world.
Presently, Rachel’s specialized services are easily available to families through Tele-AVT (online therapy), Home Visit and Offshore Service Package.
Rachel is also a trainer and mentor. She helps aspiring Listening and Spoken Language Specialists (LSLS) acquire adequate knowledge base and, through strengths-based coaching, discover and use their inherent strengths as they develop Auditory Verbal competencies that are necessary in providing high quality Auditory Verbal services.
Rachel is motivated and inspired by seeing excellent listening and spoken language outcomes in the lives of the children she has helped and knowing that she is instrumental in the development and growth of the LSL professionals that she is training and mentoring.
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